Yalda's Blog

The Field of Bone

My first four levels took me to the Field of Bone where I chased scaled wolf pups, destroyed decaying skeletons, stomped on scorpions, and exterminated hordes of various spiders. A local Warlord had particular distain for the pincher bugs and I gained most of my experience through completing his task over and over again.

I've heard rumors of a series of long forgotten tunnels under the Temple of Terror. If I can get my wits about me, I plan to explore there soon.

Swamps of Cabilis

My Journey Begins

Today marks the beginning of my journey through Norrath. The road ahead is filled with danger and opportunity. A faceless benefactor has blessed with with a suit of banded armor and a spear to help me prepare for the challenges ahead. I am both terrified and excited all at once. Through the torn piece of fabric that acts as my window, I can hear the swamps that surround Cabilis calling my name, but should I listen or ignore their call?

Journey Begins